Friday, November 23, 2007

How to copy Camcorder to DVD

Hi there!

Before we start I would like to explain to you that how to copy Camcorder to DVD is not very hard at all. My favorite way of doing this is to use a DVD recorder. Enjoy my guide on how to copy Camcorder to DVD!


1. A camcorder with some video on it
2. A DVD recorder
3. Some means of connecting your camcorder to the DVD recorder (check your camcorders manual for info)

Now, how to copy Camcorder to DVD

1. Connect your Camcorder to the DVD recorder (check your camcorders manual for more info)
2. Make sure there is a blank DVD in the recorder
3. On your camcorder fast-forward and rewind until you get to the place you want to record from
4. At the same time press record on the DVD recorder and play on the Camcorder
5. Once you have reached the end of the video you wanted to record, press stop on the DVD recorder and the camcorder
6. Congratulations! You have just learnt how to copy Camcorder to DVD!

PS: If you want to record more than one clip onto the same DVD, pause the DVD recorder when you get to the end of the first clip. Then change the tape in the camcorder and repeat steps 3 to 5.
Now you really know how to copy Camcorder to DVD!


Now that you know how to copy Camcorder to DVD, I hope you have realised how easy it really is! But, if you really want to impress your friends and family, even though you know how to copy Camcorder to DVD, I have some happy thoughts to share with you:

I just threw your video in the garbage!

Boring! I guarantee this won't happen to you if you film your next video following this here!

About the Author

If you enjoyed my guide on how to copy Camcorder to DVD, please drop me a line at m[dot]gooden[at]telkomsa[dot]net
Michael Gooden writes about all things electronic (and geeky :)

Pick Up Girls Tips

The media would love for you to believe that picking up girls is hard. For most people, it indeed is a difficult task to approach women. However, winning over women is truly an art. If you're looking to meet more women, consider the following 'pick up girls tips':

1) Be confident. If you've ever been involved in sales, you know that you have to believe in the product that you are selling. In the same way, you need to be confident in yourself, because you are selling yourself to the girl. A good dose of confidence will double your dating life. If you remember just one tip from all the pick up girls tips that you read, remember to be confident.

2) Ask questions. Women want to talk about themselves. If you want a girl to like you, let her talk about herself at least until there is an established common ground. If she mentions that she's interested in art, pry into that by asking specific questions. Let her dominate the initial conversations.

3) Consider her feelings. Remember that women are feelers. At its basic form, picking up girls is about how you make them feel. As guys, we put all of our stock in appearance because we are visual creatures. If a girl is hot, we like her. Women, on the other hand, are all about feelings. Therefore, if you make a girl feel good, she will like you.

4) Be selective and specific with your compliments. It's sad how many guys throw compliments around and think that women don't see right through it. If you approach a girl and simply tell her that she's sexy, you beg her to reject you. Be selective and specific when attempting to give a girl a compliment.

5) Leave her wanting more. This is the hardest of the pick up girls tips. When we see a woman that we want, men have a tendency to push hard. However, to turn the tables and get her interested in you, you have to arouse her curiosity and let her dwell on you. In doing so, you open the opportunity for her to approach you. When this happens, she has become the pursuer. While many men fear that a woman will get away by leaving her wanting more, the truth is that women will have a heightened sense of attraction towards you if you are able to execute this properly.

Picking up girls can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. If you simply learn how women think and are able to push the right buttons, you can take any woman home. For more pick up girls tips, visit Art of Approaching.

About the Author

Ryan Daniels is a college student who was rejected time and time again until he figured out how to talk to girls. Now, he has no problem approaching the many girls on his college campus. To reach Ryan, write to him at

Qui d'autre desire impressionner son entourage dans 15 minutes avec ces 3 tours de magie gratuits?

Qui d'autre désire impressionner son entourage dans 15 minutes avec ces 3 tours de magie gratuits?

Par Stéphane B. Guillemot -

Je vous propose d'accéder à 3 tours de magie offerts par un club de magie très spécial...

Les étapes sont super simples :

1 - Vous cliquez sur ce lien

2 - Vous laissez simplement votre prénom et votre adresse email dans le mini formulaire qui s'affichera

3 - Vous recevez le lien d'accès à ces 3 tours de magie GRATUITS directement dans votre mail

Ces 3 tours sont offerts, vous ne payez donc absolument rien pour les découvrir :))

Ce cadeau permet au webmaster de ce site - prestidigitateur professionnel - de présenter son club de magie qui est une véritable malle au trésors de l'illusion, de la prestidigitation...

Au programme, des vidéos pour présenter chaque tour, et des photos pour s'imprégner des étapes importantes et mieux tromper vos spectateurs.

Une particularité sur ce club avant de vous présenter les 3 tours offerts :

=> Si vous souhaitez devenir membre et puiser comme bon vous semble et pour très longtemps dans les secrets que ce magicien professionnel met à votre disposition, il vous suffira de ne régler qu'une seule cotisation d'entrée (1 UNIQUE paiment, vous avez bien lu) et le club de magie est définitivement ouvert pour vous et pour toujours. Vous n'aurez plus rien à payer, plus jamais !

Vous ai-je dis que ce Club à déjà plus de 181 tours étonnants présentés dans 175 vidéos et avec 1182 photos !

Tour N°1 - Apparition à la fumée ! Il vous suffira d'une préparation secrète pour réussir ce tour sympa... Craquez une allumette, un peu de fumée et HOP ! Consultez la vidéo proposée pour bien comprendre le déroulement du tour. Il est impressionnant !

Tour N°2 - Passe magique ! Avec ce tour vous démontrerez à votre spectateur que vous avez un don pour gagner au cartes et attirer les AS juste avec une passe magique ! Le plus extra, c'est que VOTRE spectateur lui-même manipulera les cartes pour cette apparition, et pas vous ;-)

Tour N°3 - Mentalisme ! Utilisez trois objets identiques et faites tourner la tête de vos amis... Ils ne comprendront rien alors que vous retrouverez à tous les coups l'objet qu'ils auront choisi en secret !

Pour accéder à ces 3 tours gratuits et réussir dans quelques minutes à bluffer votre entourage, cliquez vite sur ce lien

About the Author

Passionné de trucs et astuces mnémotechniques pour apprendre mieux et plus rapidement mais aussi pour developper mémoire et attention presque sans effort. J'anime le site

Small tattoo designs : find small tattoo designs

Many people are looking for small tatto designs online. One reason why small tattoos are so popular, is that they can be easily hidden. That's why they are ideal for people who get their first tattoo and want something discreet.

Small tattoo designs are also great for women who usually prefer a delicate tattoo, instead of a big-sized one.

If you want to get a small tattoo, it's better to keep it simple. The more details a tatto has, the more propable it is that it's lines will blend together over time.

Small tattoo designs can also be used to hide a blemish or a scar.

Choosing a small tatto design is a very good solution, if you work at a place, where tattoos are not socially acceptable.

The are many tattoos that can be reduced in size, but not if the tattoo design has many details in it.

Your tattoo will last forever, so you should put some thought into it.You can use the tattoo to express your personality and project to others the correct image about yourself.

Apart from the design, another important factor to consider is the location of the tattoo. If you are a woman, having a tattoo on the back of your neck or on your ankle, would certainly increase your attractiveness and underline your femininity.

Visit Chopper Tattoo for more hot tattoo ideas.

About the Author

Find the small tattoo design of your dreams at Chopper Tattoo.

Get On TV Free And Get A Free $50000 Corvette

We want you on our TV Show!!

... and before an ongoing audience of over **75 million viewers!!**


Very soon we are going to film a Special Infomercial that will be seen on both Daytime & Evening Television, as well as Internationally and in 14 different major languages, and in 57 major countries around the World!!

The Infomercial will offer our record-breaking flagship digital product "Get Google Ads FREE!" available of course at ClickBank.

And we would like YOU to star in it!

I'm not kidding either.

And here is what all you get!!...

(1) --->You get a FREE Trip on us!!---> We will fly you to Los Angeles at our expense, put you up with your family (or up to 3 of your friends) in an exclusive 5-star $1,500 a night luxury hotel -- all completely paid for by us!!

(2) Enjoy $5,000 FREE on us!! You will be given a spending allowance of $5,000 to spend while visiting the Los Angeles, Hollywood and Beverly Hills/Rodeo Drive Areas.

You can spend this money on ANYTHING you want!!

The ONLY thing you need to do to get on this TV Program is:

1. Get your own copy of "Get Google Ads FREE!" (assuming if you haven't already)

2. Apply its "Secret" to getting $1 million's in FREE pay-per-clicks at Google and other search engines

3. You don't actually have to push it that far, but just as long as you're getting at least a good amount (between $2,000 & $5,000 a month) in PPCs FREE, that's fine!

4. Do this for several months

5. Then just email us and tell us your results (and send PROOF!)

6. Get your email in to us no later than 5 months from now!!

We'll then look at what you've done, and take your and other people's submissions, and then get back to you ASAP!!

-----You're a WINNER either way!!-----> Even if we don't pick you, you still can get any one of several PRIZES including (but not limited to):

o a FREE $7,500 61-inch Plasma TV o a complete TiVo Entertainment System --> Check it out at: o $10,000 in free furniture for your home! o $1,000 FREE Gift-Certificate o $500 FREE Gift-Certificate o $250 FREE Gift-Certificate

And here's what you get if you get on our TV Show!!

But if we DO pick you to be on our TV Show, in addition to becoming famous on TV overnight, you'll also get:

o a brand new $50,000 Corvette -- like the one shown here: --> o $15,000 CASH!! -- Paid directly from OUR Bank to Yours!! o $5,000 towards your son's or daughter's education!! o Plus the same Plasma TV just like the one described above! o the same exact TiVo System described above! o Not just 1, but 4 FREE $1,000 Gift Certificates!!! o Plus much, much more!!...

ALL THIS just for doing well, and being on our TV Show!!

This is NOT a joke, but a serious **Invitation** to be a part of something truly amazing!!

Our Infomercial is not going to be one of those 'cheezy' kinds either -- but a really POSH-LOOKING Professionally done TV Show that will be similar to how Oprah formats her conservative-looking TV Show!

You will be PROUD to be a part of this -- plus, you'll get several *FREE COPIES* on both DVD and VHS formats of you on our TV Show to keep or give to close family and friends!!

Use Your Appearance on our TV Show to make you M0NEY!!

You can also become our Affiliate at anytime!

We give you Banners, Emailers, Squeeze Pages, and lots of other things too -- all to help you sell "Get Google Ads Free" to others and make 75% on every sale!!

Once we have aired our TV Show (featuring you) you can also use it on the Internet at a Special Webpage we'll give you where people can watch you on our TV Show and then order our product -- and where YOU get 75% every single time!!

>>> AMAZING!!!

Get Google Ads Free - Be On TV

About the Author

Chad P. Flick
Racine, WI Im a single father of 2 kids, 1 son 20, 1 daughter 16! I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. Hobbies are hunting, fishing, music, martial arts and anything that has to do with marketing.

Stripper Does Auto Insurance Industry

I had the great opportunity to interview a beautiful blue eyed blonde who worked as an exotic dancer. She worked for many well known gentlemen's clubs in the United States. Her travels have taken her to New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Hawaii. After two years of dancing, Stacey hung up her high heel stilettos to get into insurance.

Candy: Ok, my first question I'm dying to ask you is what was your stage name as an exotic dancer?

Stacey: Well, it actually took me a long time to decide on a stage name. I wanted something people could remember. Many of my friends told me just to use my last name, Sweet, but I didn't want to use any part of my real name.

A while back when I was out with my friends in Hawaii it seemed that everyone that I met over there would say to me, "it's a pleasure to meet you." I kept hearing that over and over and it finally clicked to me that I should use the name, "Pleasure." I felt that name was very fitting for me at the time (giggles)

Candy: So why did you make the switch from strip teasing to getting into the insurance industry?

Stacey: I really made good money as a dancer; however, I started to get burned out from all the traveling that I did. I would get club promoters calling me at crazy hours of the day, and asking me to drop everything just to fly across the country and be a featured dancer. That made it pretty exhausting after awhile, and I felt I needed a change in my life.

Candy: So how did you get to where you are now and into the insurance industry?

Stacey: Well, I was performing at a club in Los Angeles, and a guy I was talking to said that if I ever needed a change in my life to give him a call. He gave me his card.

Candy: I bet you hear that line all the time.

Stacey: Yeah, pretty much, but something about him seem genuine, so I called him probably a week after meeting him, and he got me into the business.

Candy: What did your friends think of your decision and what changes has it made in your life?

Stacey: They were all very supportive. It actually has given me more sleep. I've been spending more time with my younger sister. She has been going to Nursing School, and I have been using the money I have been earning to help her as much as I can.

Candy: So I hear you also have done some modeling?

Stacey: Yes, I actually have done lots of photo shoots. Many of my pictures are actually published and on the internet.

Candy: Anything you want to say to anyone out there?

Stacey: Sure. I really appreciate everyone's support. Thank you to all of you who have helped me in my life.

Candy: It was a real pleasure (no pun intended) interviewing you. Are there any websites out there that you want to recommend to our readers?

Stacey: Check this one out

About the Author

Candy Brooks was born and raised in California. She enjoys traveling the world and experiencing new places. Her hobbies include beach volleyball, working out and dancing.

Stephen Pierce Reveals The Secret Ingredient For Your Success On The Internet

It’s all about passion.

There! How unusual for trying to keep your attention - I gave the answer away right at the beginning! So, theoretically, you don’t even have to read the rest of this article, but if you want to find out the deeper meaning of the first sentence in this article and how you could benefit form it, let me just tell you that there is heaps more to it than that.

Sure, passion is important for success, but what I’ve found is that most people don’t really know HOW to create passion in their lives. And that’s what this report is about.

As you read every word of this report, you will become amazed as to how simple it could be to put a bit of spice back into your life, and to increase your chances of success on the internet by factor of 10 (ok, maybe not 10, but you’ll certainly increase your productivity if you just apply some of the key concepts in this article :) ).

So, if passion is such an important ingredient for success, how on earth can you get it if you don’t already have it?

It’s a lot easier than you might think.

Perhaps the most succinct way that I have seen it described, was by the noted scholar of world mythology, Joseph Campbell. He simply said:

"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."

Now, once you start following your bliss, some amazing things start happening. Fred Gratzon, when talking about finding your passion, says it best in his amazing work, The Lazy Way To Success:

"If you love what you are doing, it ceases being work. The more you love what you are doing, the more you spontaneously commit to it. The greater your commitment, the deeper the knowledge you gain. The deeper the knowledge, the more powerful the knowledge. The more powerful your knowledge, the easier it is to achieve success, because deep, powerful knowledge is the key to inspired thinking and finding intelligent solutions to problems. And with that deeper knowledge, you quickly recognize opportunities and pounce on the best ones. But it all starts with loving what you do."

So the idea here is that once you’ve found what you’re really passionate about, it becomes easy to become successful. And we all know that success breeds success, so once you’re on this amazing path, you simply become unstoppable.

In my own book Millionaire Drop-Out Secrets, I talk about HOW you can actually find what you’re truly passionate about. So, as a courtesy, here’s a quick review of that process:

The whole technique is based on 4 steps:

Step 1 â€" Create a list that contains all the things that you absolutely love doing. This is the kind of stuff that gives you goose bumps or makes your heart pound when you just think about it. Most likely, this list will contain items such as your natural God-given talents.

Just start writing them down, and don’t worry about how practical your list may seem. Once you have thoroughly completed the first list, you are ready to move on.

Step 2 - Create a list that contains all the things that you absolutely love giving to people. Once again, just start writing and don’t worry about any of it seeming silly or unrealistic. Just get all your ideas down on a piece of paper.

Step 3 - Prioritize the entries on your two lists. Simply place all the things your love doing and giving most, right at the top and the things you love doing and giving least at the bottom.

Step 4 - Create a career option that you’ll be truly passionate about. You can do this by simply combining items on your first list with items on your second list.

For example, say your two lists looks something like this:

What I love doing: What I love giving to people: 1. Playing piano 1. Laughter 2. Playing harmonica 2. Entertainment 3. Talking 3. Life changing information Etc. Etc.

Combining the first entry from the first list (playing piano) with the second entry of the second list (entertainment) can give you a clue as to a possible career option that you’ll be very passionate about. You could rewrite this as:

“My purpose and calling in life is to entertain people by playing the piano. This is what I am passionate about and what I love to do with my life.”

As you can see, you can create multiple combinations of things that you love doing and things that you love giving to people. Create as many combinations as you can, and then pick the one that resonates with you the most.

You will do well to spend some time on this as it will influence the rest of what you do with your life from this point onwards. If you can pinpoint exactly what it is that you want to do in this life, the rest becomes a lot easier and you will start living an inspired life as apposed to an unfulfilled, frustrating one where it doesn’t feel like you are adding any value.

But this is only part of the picture. Yes, there is more. There is a missing link to this whole process that I have discovered in my research after interviewing some of the world’s top internet marketers. To find out what Internet Marketing Legend, Stephen Pierce, has to say about this, please visit my website for a free video interview.

To your passionate success in the internet!

Gideon Shalwick Creator of Internet Marketing Wizards

About the Author

Gideon Shalwick is the owner of To get a FREE transcript and audio worth $197 of Gideon's interview with the Godfather of Internet Marketing, Mark Joyner, please visit: Internet Marketing Wizards.

$1.4 Million Lamborghini

$1.4 Million Lamborghini Reventon

Can you imagine a Lamborghini that is worth 1.4 million dollars? If not, I have the video link below to prove it. It's called the Lamborghini Reventon; this car has the same engine as the Murcielago LP460. A fighter jet inspired design gives this beautiful Lamborghini Reventon a unique look.

The Lamborghini Reventon was born and completely designed in Sant'Agata Bolognese. Lamborghini will produce only 20 of these beautiful masterpieces. This is an extreme sports car made by a company that continues to create innovative styles.

At a maximum power of this V12 6.5 liter, this beast has an output of 650HP at 8,000 rpms. It can go from 0 to 60 in 3.4 seconds with a top speed of 210 mph. It has some of the latest and greatest aerodynamics around.

With a hood made out of glass laminate, and a body designed of carbon fiber there is plenty of open ventilation to cool the Reventon. Lamborghini created a new color for it, an exotic metallic green gray.

Similar to an airplane cockpit the Lamborghini Reventon has TFT liquid crystal displays. The interior is created using alcantara, aluminum, carbon and leather. Reventon also comes with an e-gear, which can be controlled by two levers that are located by the steering wheel.

The Lamborghini Reventon will make any car enthusiast's heart melt. The design, passion and performance behind it will surely keep this car in the record books as one of the greats.

Don't expect the insurance to be cheap on this one.

If you are interested in seeing the video unveiling the Lamborghini Reventon please visit:


About the Author

Born in 1973, Candy Brooks is a native Californian. Currently she lives in Beverly Hills, CA

The Reverse Funnel System - How it works? - Review and how is working for me.

What is the HUGE secret behind this system?. Ty Coughlin created this amazing system that is changing the life of many people all over the world, and can change yours too if you wish to sign up. If you are here, is because you've been searching for home based business opportunities, and some of you have already tried joining some other programs that didn't worked out. That's because they require you to send e-mails to people interested in this kind of business, making cold calls, attending to meeting, running after leads, etc. With the Reverse Funnel System, the great thing is: It is totally AUTOMATED! What I mean by that is: All you have to do after signing up is follow step-by-step instructions that you have been given for you TEAM, and you'll be making money. You don't need to attend meetings or make phone calls. Your TEAM is there for everything you need, any kind of support, or questions. The TOOLS and support given from RFS is top level, they will teach you exactly how to be successful in your home business. RFS gives you ALL tools needed to generate huge incomes, you will be making $500 or $1000 for each and every sale you make as well as a residual monthly income of $100 or $200 on each of your referrals. When you sign up you also have access to a website all ready for you, a built-in e-mail that automatically follows up your leads and enrolls them into your team. Now I'll talk about my own experiences with the Reversal Funnel System so far. I started with the system 3 weeks ago, and within the first 48 hours I have generated my first sale, that means I made $1000 in 48 hours (I was shocked!). Before the end of the first week, I had already made 4 sales total. Another great thing, is that I also make money with each sales my referrals complete.

Some people think like: "Just because you had success in your business and you could generate sales, doesn't mean I can do the same..." I was thinking like that before I decided to join RFS, so I can tell you that they made this system so simple that ANYONE can follow the step-by-step and be successful too! It works just like the "Simon Says" game, you do exactly what they tell you to do. You don't need any type of knowledge, not even Internet knowledge, you just have to know the basis to be capable to run this business.

Well to everybody that is researching about RFS and trying to decide to join or not, I can tell you that my experience has been amazing and life changing! If you want more detailed information, click the link below and you will be redirected to Reverse Funnel System website:

About the Author

Click Here to discover the secret method being used by a lazy surf bum to rake in $5,483.45 a day. Visit today.

What Makes Bank Of America 529 Plans Unique?

The Bank of America 529 plan is a student education investment plan according to the Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. The plan is also popular as the Future Scholar Education Savings Plan. The Bank of America 529 Plan is a tax-advantaged, qualified plan that is set up by adults for children under their care. Generally the plan is aimed for parents to plan future benefits for their children. The plan is applicable nationwide, though the rules and advantages are subject to the state where the plan accounts are set up.

There are three very distinct advantages of investing in a Bank of America 529 Plan.

1. The plan is one of the best options for funding college expenses for children as they grow. It is a good method of investing at current rates and then reaping benefits at the highly inflated rates that may prevail ten to fifteen years down the line, when the child is ready for college.

2. Adults look upon the Bank of America 529 Plan, and indeed all other such plans, as a method to get interesting tax deductions on their income. The Bank of America 529 Plan, specifically allows the investor to put in up to $12,000 individually, or $24,000 on a couple basis per year. This investment for the child's future is free of any federal gift taxes. In South Carolina, the plan is also free of state income taxes. This allows the financial assets to grow without the high deductions of tax.

3. The plan does not just help to fund college tuition fees like most education investment plans, but it also helps to pay for other education-related expenses. This includes accommodation, books, computers, joining libraries, etc. However, money taken out for non-educational requirements will no longer remain tax-deductible.

With a Bank of America 529 plan, you will have to work with a financial adviser who will help choose between the several portfolios where these plans can work with. The financial adviser is just an assistant and guide in the process; the direct relationship of the account owner with the beneficiary remains unaltered.

Like all other 529 Plans, Future Scholar Education Savings Plan also provides the possibility of changing the beneficiary at any time during the life of the plan. Thus, if the student gets a scholarship for the college, or simply wishes not to attend college, then someone else can be made the beneficiary of the plan, provided that this new beneficiary is related to the original one.

About the Author

Invest in your kids future. Start now at 529 Plans Author: Kip Goldhammer

Make Your Own Ghillie Suit

Creating your own ghillie suit can be a fun and enjoyable experience. Typically most ghillie suits require on average about 100 hours to complete.

Ghillie Suits require no specialized equipment other than your own imagination, patience some jute or burlap, netting, bdu, or some type of base to add the camouflage onto. Depending on your needs you might also want to invest in synthetic or plastic leaves or even plastic bricks if you want to make an urban style ghillie suit.

You may also want to think about the terrain that you will be wearing your ghillie suit in, depending on your locale you may want to make two or even more ghillie suits. One for the winter with light shading and one for the summer with dark shading that blends in more with the green of your surroundings.

The most important factor in any camouflage is comfort. If you ghilie suit is not comforatable then you will likely not wear it and thus your efforts will be in vain so make your ghillie suit with comfort in mind. A good ghillie suit weight should not be more than 6 pounds at the most and more than likely should be around 3 pounds. Another factor is that it breaks up your form. Some of the best ghilie suits that I have seen are nothing more than a net, and some dyed jute or burlap. Cheap, easy to make, stores easily and conceals the human form perfectly. Keep in mind though that burlap is flammable so be careful around your campfire!

The first step you will want to take is to go out to where you will be using your suit and take some pictures so that you have a good reference point during construction. Take the burlap and cut them into odd lengths anywhere from 5 to 10 inches and about 1 to 3 inches in width all over your suit overlapping them making sure that the longer lengths are not attached to an area where they will get into the way during running, stalking or when you are scoping an enemy.

Additionally you may want to fray the ends to break up your form even more. Keep in mind that nothing in nature grows straight. Fray the burlap with a scissor or knife, the more frayed the better. Next sew the burlap around the netting or onto your bdu's such that they wrap around the netting and back onto itself for added strength. A good sewing kit will cost you no more than $10.00-$20.00 at your local fabrics store. Some suggest glueing the burlap on but in my opinion it is not worthwhile as they typically will fall off especially during heated battles. You may also want to attach jute twine randomly around your suit to further break up your form and add additional camouflage.

Dyeing your burlap for your ghillie suit is little more than purchasing the dye and simply going at it to match your surroundings. Use lots of colors, from tan to brown to a range of greens and even light orange, this will help to confuse your opponents as to what they are looking at, especially at distances of greater than 30 feet. Use the lighter colors for your base and the darker colors on top, don't be afraid to experiment.

If all of this sounds like too much for you then I would suggest buying a pre-made ghilie kit or an entire ghillie suit altogether.

About the Author

Cheap Ghillie Suit is the owner operator of the premier Ghillie Suit Retailer on the ghillie suit market.

How to lose 10 pounds

Watching satellite tv on your pc, is now easier and cheaper than ever. You only need an internet connection and a software that only takes minutes to install and you can start watching tv channels immediately. No other equipment is needed.

You can watch CNN, NBC, FOX, BBC, documentaries, news, shopping channels with only a small one-time fee and no other extra charges.

Satellite tv for pc comes in two versions : Satellite TV for PC 2007 Elite Edition( 3000 channels for $49.95) and Satellite TV for PC 2007 Titanium Edition ( 4000 channels for $99.95). Imagine how much money you can save per year, if you don't have to pay for monthly cable fees.

There is another benefit in watching satellite tv on pc. It's the privacy you get. If you are an adult movie fan, it's not something you would want to share with your entire family. This software gives you the option to watch everything you want, in the privacy of your home office.

Satellite tv for pc can be the most cost effective solution, in order to enjoy adult tv. Many adult content prividers online, charge you per-view or ask you for a monthly subscription fee. Some providers can even charge you per-minute!

With satellite tv for pc you can enjoy unlimited adult movies, for only $49.95! You can watch Tv shows, music channels, sporting events and world wide Adult Tv, with complete privacy.

You can have access to international Tv channels, such as: Swedish Tv channels, British Tv channels, Australian Tv channels, German Tv channels, American Tv channels and many more.

All these, at absolutely no risk to you. This software is virus free and comes with a money back guarantee.

About the Author

Watch Satellite Tv almost for free with
Satellite TV for PC 2007 Elite Edition and
Satellite TV for PC 2007 Titanium Edition

How to lose 10 pounds

How to lose 10 pounds

Imagine what a pound of weight off your waist line could do for your confidence. Now imagine what 10 pounds could do. It could change your life!

With day to day life getting more and more stressful people are finding it difficult to eat correctly and even more difficult to find time to exercise.
With a little bit of dedication and the right mindset you can be on your way to losing those pounds, one pound at a time! Here are 4 great tips to get you started on your way to losing 10 pounds:

* Eat correctly. This is more powerful than any medication you can ever take. Medications are expensive and often very unnecessary. What you are not told is they need to be taken with a good diet and regular exercise to work! A proper diet is essential to weight loss.

* Regular Exercise: Ok this can be a little tricky if you have a hectic life style. Changing your habits slightly with things like walking up the stairs to work, cycling to work if possible or even taking an evening stroll can reduce weight considerably.

* Cut down on alcohol. Do you spend you weekends drinking on Friday and Saturday nights? Alcohol is adds to your weight dramatically, so why not only go out on one night of the weekend.

* Take up a hobby. Sometimes we eat because we are hungry. Sometimes we eat because we are just plain bored! Do something about your boredom. Take up a hobby. Do something you love or are interested in to take you mind that burger and chips you were about to devour.

* Set yourself goals. Make sure your goals are reasonable though! Don't try and lose 10 pounds in 3 days! Keep at it one pound at a time.

Ok so sometimes this is easier said than done I can understand. The key points I have highlighted here are a very good start though and they are not difficult to maintain.

About the Author

Peter managed to lose 32 pounds in 6 months eating correctly. Did you find this helpful? If you would like to kick start your weight loss click here.

Varities of Healthy And Easy To Cook Trout Recipe

Trouts are fresh water fishes and commercially farmed for sports fishing and human consumption.

We've eaten trout for hundreds of years now and trout can be cooked in plenty of ways. Let me share with you some good trout recipes and different simple ways how to cook trout. Hope you enjoy cooking them!


Boil two trout in salted water, drain and flake, removing all the bones. Fry a small chopped onion in butter, add a tablespoonful of flour and two cupfuls of milk. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Put a layer of the boned fish in a buttered baking-pan, add a layer of the sauce, sprinkle with minced parsley, and repeat until the dish is full. Cover with crumbs, dot with butter, and brown in the oven.


Cut a large sea-trout in pieces and simmer until done in salted and acidulated boiling water to which a large sliced onion has been added. Drain and keep warm. Cook together two tablespoonfuls each of butter and flour and add enough of the liquid drained from the fish to make a thick sauce. Cook until thick, stirring constantly,take from the fire, add one cupful of Madeira wine and three eggs well-beaten. Put the fish in a buttered baking-pan, sprinkle with seasoned crumbs, cover with mushrooms, then with oysters and shrimps. Pour the sauce over and bake until the oysters are done. Serve in the dish in which it was baked.


Put half a dozen cleaned trout in a buttered baking-dish with half a glassful of white wine, and a finely chopped shallot. Bake for ten minutes, strain the liquid, and add to it one cupful of Allemande Sauce. Add also a small chopped onion, two shallots, twice the quantity of mushrooms, and a bean of garlic, all minced and fried in butter. Season with salt, pepper, minced parsley, and lemon-juice; pour over the fish and serve.


Stuff the fish with seasoned crumbs or chopped oysters or raw fish pounded to a pulp and mixed to a paste with the beaten white of egg and a little cream. Lay a very thin slice of salt pork on each fish and wrap in buttered paper. Bake in a hot oven. Remove the string and serve in the paper. Serve any preferred sauce separately.

For more great tasting and easy to prepare trout recipes and simple ways how to cook trout, please check out our How To Cook Fish - Great Recipes for Fish You Need blog plus lots of recipes for fish that you will love and enjoy.

About the Author

Anselmo Mendez is a successful online entrepreneur and publisher of several online articles on different topics.