Trouts are fresh water fishes and commercially farmed for sports fishing and human consumption.
We've eaten trout for hundreds of years now and trout can be cooked in plenty of ways. Let me share with you some good trout recipes and different simple ways how to cook trout. Hope you enjoy cooking them!
Boil two trout in salted water, drain and flake, removing all the bones. Fry a small chopped onion in butter, add a tablespoonful of flour and two cupfuls of milk. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Put a layer of the boned fish in a buttered baking-pan, add a layer of the sauce, sprinkle with minced parsley, and repeat until the dish is full. Cover with crumbs, dot with butter, and brown in the oven.
Cut a large sea-trout in pieces and simmer until done in salted and acidulated boiling water to which a large sliced onion has been added. Drain and keep warm. Cook together two tablespoonfuls each of butter and flour and add enough of the liquid drained from the fish to make a thick sauce. Cook until thick, stirring constantly,take from the fire, add one cupful of Madeira wine and three eggs well-beaten. Put the fish in a buttered baking-pan, sprinkle with seasoned crumbs, cover with mushrooms, then with oysters and shrimps. Pour the sauce over and bake until the oysters are done. Serve in the dish in which it was baked.
Put half a dozen cleaned trout in a buttered baking-dish with half a glassful of white wine, and a finely chopped shallot. Bake for ten minutes, strain the liquid, and add to it one cupful of Allemande Sauce. Add also a small chopped onion, two shallots, twice the quantity of mushrooms, and a bean of garlic, all minced and fried in butter. Season with salt, pepper, minced parsley, and lemon-juice; pour over the fish and serve.
Stuff the fish with seasoned crumbs or chopped oysters or raw fish pounded to a pulp and mixed to a paste with the beaten white of egg and a little cream. Lay a very thin slice of salt pork on each fish and wrap in buttered paper. Bake in a hot oven. Remove the string and serve in the paper. Serve any preferred sauce separately.
For more great tasting and easy to prepare trout recipes and simple ways how to cook trout, please check out our How To Cook Fish - Great Recipes for Fish You Need blog plus lots of recipes for fish that you will love and enjoy.
About the Author
Anselmo Mendez is a successful online entrepreneur and publisher of several online articles on different topics.
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